
Are Germans Nordic? What You Need to Know

Young German holding a German flag
Published on: December 21, 2021
Last updated: April 16, 2024

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Kyle Kroeger

Written by Kyle Kroeger

Kyle Kroeger is the Founder and Owner of He is a full-time traveler and entrepreneur.

When you say Nordic countries, they are mainly located in Northern Europe and the North Atlantic. These countries are Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden.

While Germany is located in Central Europe, why would other people consider this question? Are Germans Nordic people?

No Germans are not Noridc. Some similarities exist between the Germans and the other Nordic countries, such as cultural values.

What is Nordic?

Nordic flags on a blue sky

Nordic is derived from the Latin word “nordicus” which means northern. Nordic describes the people and cultures of the five countries in Northern Europe or the Scandinavian Peninsula: Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden.

These countries share many similarities, including their language, history, culture, and values. There is debate about whether the German people are considered part of the Nordic (or Aryan) race.

The Nazis viewed Germans as a direct descendant of the original Aryans that they believed once occupied ancient India and migrated westward into what is now Germany.

Therefore, many of them classified the Germans as true descendants of the Nordic race. Others argue that the Germans are not Nordic because they do not share the same physical characteristics as those from other Nordic countries.

For example, Germans are typically heavier than the other Nordics and have darker hair. However, many Germans share the light hair and blue eyes typical of the Nordic people.

Nordic Countries

Denmark Flag in Copenhagen

As stated above, Nordic countries are Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden. They have many similar characteristics, but they do differ in some ways.

These differences are most obvious when it comes to their languages. For example, most Nordic countries have two official languages that they use for government work: Danish in Denmark, Finnish language in Finland, Icelandic in Iceland, Norwegian in Norway, and Swedish in Sweden.

However, Denmark only uses Danish as its official language. Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden all have a monarch as their head of state.

The monarch has the following responsibilities: signing bills into law, appointing members to the cabinet (prime minister) just before the cabinet is sworn in, and traveling throughout the country to meet with citizens.

The Nordic countries are also known for their social welfare systems. These systems provide citizens with health care, education, unemployment insurance, and pensions. They have been in place for many years and are considered some of the best in the world.

They are also called Scandinavian countries because of their strong relations with each other. They cooperate closely with one another on many issues, including defense, energy, and transportation.

North Germanic peoples

Danish People Watching a Game

Commonly called Scandinavians, the Nordic people are a panethnicity residing in Northern Europe. The word “Scandinavian” is derived from the Old Norse word “Skandinavier,” which was used by Roman authors in the 1st century AD during the Roman Empire to refer to the people of modern Scandinavia.

Nordics describes anyone living in one of the Nordic countries: Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden. The North Germanic people are a subset of the Nordics who share a common language: the North Germanic languages. This group includes the Danish, Faroese, Icelandic, Norwegian, and Swedish languages.

The North Germanic peoples are considered to be descended from the ancient Germanic tribes who migrated to Northern Europe in the 2nd century BC. These tribes include the Goths, the Vandals, and the Burgundians.

Over time, they gradually assimilated with the indigenous peoples of Northern Europe, forming the Nordic people we know today. While the Germans share many similarities with the other Nordic countries, they differ in many ways.

The Germanic people have inhabited Europe’s central and southern parts for thousands of years; they did not migrate to Northern Europe until late in history.

The Germans and other Germans speak a West Germanic language, while the Scandinavian languages belong to the North Germanic branch of the Indo-European language family.

The Germanic languages are English, Dutch, and German. The North Germanic languages include Danish, Faeroese, Icelandic, Norwegian, and Swedish. The Nordic countries and Germany also share the same values: the Nordic people tend to be more liberal than most other Europeans.

A poll of nearly 20,000 people from 10 different European countries showed that the Nordic people are the most tolerant of immigrants and other cultures, while the Germans were the least tolerant.

While there is some debate as to whether Germans are considered Nordic, it is clear that they share many similarities with other Nordic countries.

They have a common language, culture, and values. The Germans also share many physical features with the Scandinavian people. However, some physical traits are more common to Germans than other Scandinavians.

There is also evidence of migrations from ancient Germany into Scandinavia. The Germanic tribes migrated southward around 100 BC and may have settled in parts of modern-day Norway as early as 100 AD.

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North Germanic Languages

Danish Language

These are used in Scandinavia, the North Atlantic Islands, and Germany. The language is divided into two branches: East Scandinavian, which includes Danish and Swedish, and West Scandinavian, which includes Icelandic and Faroese. There are also some mutual intelligibility issues between these languages.

In Northern Germany, this language is used in the northwest and is called Plattdeutsch by North Germanic speakers. It is closely related to English, Dutch, and Frisian. This language is also used in the Netherlands, but it has a lower status than Dutch.

West Germanic Languages

Dutch-English dining vocabulary for language learners and travelers.
Me Trying to Learn Dutch (Kyle Kroeger / ViaTravelers)

The largest branch of the West Germanic languages includes English, Dutch, and German. These languages share many similarities, including grammar, syntax, and vocabulary. They also share a common ancestor: Proto-Germanic.

This language is used in Germany, Austria, and Central Europe. It is also used in Switzerland, Liechtenstein, and Hungary. This language is divided into three dialects: Alemannic (German-Swiss), Bavarian, and Franconian.

This language has the most speakers of any Germanic language besides English. It is spoken by approximately 100 million people around the world.

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Germany vs Nordic

There are many differences between the Germanic people and the Nordic people. The most obvious difference is that Germans and other Germans speak a West Germanic language, while Scandinavians speak a North Germanic language.

In addition to different languages, there are many cultural differences between Germany and the rest of the Nordic countries. For example, Germany has a much more liberal view of immigration than Denmark, Norway, and Sweden.

Lifestyle and culture of people in Germany

In a poll by the European Commission on the new member states of the EU, Germany was one of the least tolerant countries towards immigrants from other cultures. German culture is generally similar to that of many other Northern European countries. However, some aspects are considered typically German.

First, Germans tend to trust strangers less than people from other cultures. Second, Germanic food is very similar to the cuisine of surrounding countries, but some specialties are more common in Germany than elsewhere.

Finally, Germanic people have had many migrations into Scandinavia throughout history. The Germanic tribes migrated southward around 100 BC and may have settled in parts of modern-day Norway as early as 100 AD.

There is no definite answer to this debate, but Germans are generally not Nordic because Germany is in Central Europe, and modern Germany uses the Standard German Language.

On the other hand, regarding their ancestry and the influence of the Scandinavian language on their language, you can see they are a little Nordic.


What is the difference between German and Scandinavian languages?

The Germanic and North Germanic languages are related but not the same. The Germanic languages include English, Dutch, and German. The North Germanic languages include Danish, Faeroese, Icelandic, Norwegian, and Swedish. They share a common ancestor: Proto-Germanic. The Scandinavian languages are more closely related to each other than they are to the Germanic languages.

Is Germany in Scandinavia?

No, Germany is not in Scandinavia. However, there is evidence of migrations during the Germanic Iron Age from Ancient Germany to parts of modern-day Norway as early as 100 AD.

What language do Germans speak?

The official language of Germany is Standard German, and it is also called “High German.”

What languages did the Vikings speak?

The people who lived in Southern Scandinavia during the Viking Age spoke various dialects of Old Norse, closely related to modern Icelandic and Scandinavian languages. The language also spread to Scotland and other parts of Britain, which adopted it as their main language, and it became the ancestor of the English language.

Do Germans look the same as Nordic people?

No, Germans do not look the same as Nordic people. However, there are some similarities regarding their physical appearance and shared values.

Is German food similar to Nordic?

No, German food is not similar to Nordic food. However, their cuisine has some similarities, including a focus on meat and potatoes.

Is German personality the same as Nordic?

No, the German personality is different from that of the Nordic. Some researchers believe there are clear differences in how people from different countries behave and feel about themselves. However, other experts say modern ways of thinking have erased many traditional stereotypes among the Northern European cultures.

Why do Nordic people always help each other?

For many years, there were close ties between the Nordic countries of Scandinavia. Many Norwegians moved to Southern Sweden and vice versa, which led to an exchange of ideas and values. This added to the similarity in terms of personality.

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